It’s hard to believe another summer is winding down!  We look forward to welcoming new and returning students to Preston Public School for another great year of growth and learning on Tuesday September 2nd.

We have new bell times this year.  The school day will begin at 9:15 and dismissal is now 3:35.  Our Nutrition Breaks will be 11:15 – 11:55 and 1:25 – 2:05.

As we support the Board’s initiative to go as paperless as possible, all information-only documents normally found in the September Package can be accessed on this website by clicking the School Year Information link found to the left on the home page.  If you would prefer any hard copies of the information found there, please contact the school office.  Your child(ren) will still come home with some forms to be filled out and returned to their classroom teacher by Friday September 12th.  Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to these forms.

Class lists will be posted on the parking lot doors on the William Street side of the school on Friday September 29th at 4:00 pm.

We wish all of our families an enjoyable long weekend and look forward to seeing students Tuesday September 2nd at 9:15!