Our School Council is comprised of parents, community members and staff members. The group typically meets every fourth Wednesday of the month, with the exception of December and June. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings to learn about what is happening at Preston Public School!

The volunteers from our School Council organize and run many exciting events throughout the school year, including parent workshops (e.g., cyber-bulling, internet safety), family nights (e.g., art, STEM, science, movie) and socials like the year-end family picnic.

Our various fundraisers provide valued enhancements like Home Reading, field trips, school greening initiatives, yearbooks and additional playground equipment. We have traditionally held a fall chocolate bar fundraiser -our most profitable fundraiser and, depending on our current balance and projected initiatives, may hold another minor fundraiser in the spring. Funds are also raised through the weekly school pizza days and community Bingo events.

In addition to all of the enhancements we provide is the feedback we provide to the school and school board on the learning environment at Preston PS. Learning about current trends in education, special initiatives by the board and Ministry and best instructional practices is also part of our monthly meetings.

We hope that you will be part of the exciting work we do to support a positive and supportive learning environment at Preston PS.